Tuesday, 10 April 2012

#1; Blonde via Air Canada

A Blonde is flying from Vancouver to Toronto via an Air Canada flight. when the fasten seat belt sign is turned off, she leaves her seat in economy, and plunks herself down in first class. The flight attendant comes to her and says

"Excuse me, Ma'am, but may I see your ticket?" She relpys with removing it from her breast pocket and gives it to him. He then states that;

"I'm sorry, but you have paid for economy, and this is first class. Please return to your seat in row 29". looking shocked, the blonde exclaimed that;

"I'm blonde, and beautifull and staying here." With that, the flight attendant gives up, and goes to the cockpit, where he requests the first officer to ask her to go to her seat in economy, and explains her point. He tries to confront her, but gets the same result. the captain then laughs, and tells them to;

"Stay here. The plane is on autopilot. My wife is blonde, so i speak their language. "He then goes to the blonde, and whispers something in her ear, she gives a nods and returns to her seat. Astonished, the flight attendant and first officer ask him what he said.

"It was simple! I just told her that first class was not going to Toronto." He then chuckles and goes back to the cockpit.

In Short, Learn to speak blonde before you confront one!

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